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in Orlando, FL

If you live in Central Florida, you know all too well that there are few options for hiding an embarrassing double chin. The Florida lifestyle is not congruent with wearing scarves and high-collared shirts to hide our wiggling turkey necks. The good news is that you can now eliminate that double chin without surgery. Located in Orlando, CPRS Med Spa offers Kybella®, an innovative injectable treatment designed especially for eliminating the excess fat that causes double chins. Our board-certified plastic surgeon, recommends the treatment for men and women who live in Orange County and Central Florida.

What is Kybella®?

Kybella® is a long-awaited solution for men and women who have double chins and adequate skin elasticity. Liposuction and neck lifts have been the only options for treating double chins. In many cases, the procedures were somewhat excessive because many people have skin elasticity and do not need to have skin removed with the fat. After extensive clinical trials, the FDA approved Kybella® as a treatment that literally melts fat in the upper neck and jowl area without surgery. The secret behind the results is purified deoxycholic acid. The acid occurs naturally in the human body and helps break down fat in the foods we eat. Researchers found a way to incorporate the acid in a cosmetic injectable product to eliminate the fat that develops in the neck and jowl area.

Kybella® in Orlando, FL

kybella in Orlando, FL

Kybella CASE 1

Kybella® Before and After Gallery >>

Am I a Candidate for Kybella® Treatment?

The key to achieving optimum results from Kybella® treatments is skin elasticity. The skin in the treatment area must be able to reshape itself to the natural contours of the neck and jowls. If you do not have adequate skin elasticity, Kybella® treatments will not only eliminate the fat but unfortunately also leave you with unsightly loose skin. Your best option is a neck lift to remove both the excess fat and lax skin.

How is Kybella® Administered? How Long Does It Take to Get Kybella® Treatment?

Dr. Peters administers Kybella® by making injections along the area of fat under the chin using a very fine needle. You may experience a slight prick as the needle is inserted. The treatment takes between 20 and 30 minutes.

How Many Treatments of Kybella® Will I Need?

After examining the nature of your double chin during the consultation, Dr. Peters will recommend between two and six treatments with Kybella®. After each treatment, Dr. Peters will evaluate your progress at four to 12 weeks. Based on his findings, he will administer Kybella® as needed until he achieves optimum results.

How Long Do Kybella® Results Last?

Once Dr. Peters removes all fat from your double chin, the results are considered permanent because the fat cells are destroyed. You may be prone to developing new fat cells, so the longevity of the results is dependent upon your ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle and ideal weight.

How Much Does Kybella® Cost in Orlando, FL?

Insurance does not cover the cost of Kybella® treatments, so we want to provide our patients with accurate cost information so they can plan for their treatments. After your consultation, we have a better idea of how much Kybella® is required for your double chin, although this can change over the course of treatment. To ensure that you can afford the entire treatment, we offer several payment options, including cash, check, credit card and financing through CareCredit®, a leading healthcare finance company that offers affordable and convenient monthly payments.

Click on the image below for additional Kybella® Photos in our Before & After Gallery:

Kybella®Before and After Pictures in Orlando, FL

Are you tired of looking at the fatty, drooping fat that wiggles under your chin? Do you look older because your jowls are sagging and hiding the contours of your jawline? Now you can get rid of your double chin without surgery. At CPRS Med Spa, we offer Kybella® injections, an FDA-approved product that targets fat in the upper neck and jowl area. If you live in Orlando, Orange County and Central Florida and want to learn more about the innovative Kybella® treatments at our medical spa, contact us to schedule a personal consultation.