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Ptosis Grade – Orlando Breast Lift Procedure

Breast Lift in Orlando, FL

Breast ptosis is the drooping of the breasts that often accompanies the aging process. If you want to eliminate breast ptosis and get pert, perky breasts, the breast lift procedure is an ideal choice. To get started, you’ll want to find out your ptosis grade.

What exactly is a ptosis grade? The grade of a person’s ptosis is the degree of sagging their breasts are experiencing. This helpful system of measuring sagging was invented in 1976 by Dr. P. Regnault.

When your plastic surgeon knows your ptosis grade and how much sagging you want to correct, it’s easier for them to decide on the type of breast lift to give you. Different breast lifts offer different degrees of correction.

Learn your ptosis grade and find out more about your breast lift options – speak with board-certified plastic surgeons Doctors Kendall Peters and Calvin Peters during a consultation at our office. Make an appointment by contacting us today.