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Plastic Surgery Fees

If you are contemplating a cosmetic surgery procedure, our coordinator will meet with you at the time of your consultation to provide you with an individual quote. In addition to the surgeon’s fee, there are fees associated with anesthesia, operating room time and supplies, overnight facilities, and implants. These will be listed on the actual quote you will receive at the time of your cosmetic consultation.

Explanation of Charges:

Surgeon’s Fee:

Cosmetic procedures include a preoperative visit and follow-up visits for one year following the surgical date. If your surgery combines cosmetic and insurance-covered procedures, your deductible, co-insurance and cosmetic portions of the fees will be required prior to the procedure.

Facility Fee:

Includes operating room time, supplies, and nursing care given in the OR and recovery area.

Anesthesia Fee:

Includes medication and care given by the anesthesiologist during your surgery.

Other Tests:

At the discretion of the physician, it is sometimes necessary to obtain pre-op, post-op, and/or pathology testing. This may be done at the facility where your surgery is scheduled. If these tests are ordered, you will be responsible for the charges.

Other Fees:

If an unexpected complication, such as bleeding, should occur resulting in a return to the operating room, there will be an additional charge for the operating room and anesthesia.

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